Below grade walls
Below grade walls in contact with soil must be thermally insulated. If nothing else, the thermal insulation layer will protect the waterproofing from mechanical damages.
In buildings with a basement, the below grade walls must be durably protected from heat losses and water and moisture entry. Whether or not the basement is heated, perhaps even turned into residential space – the basement walls must be appropriately protected:
- to thermally protect the above grade part of basement walls, thermal insulation with a waffled surface is used, e.g. the FIBRANxps ETICS GF,
- below grade walls in contact with soil are provided with a waterproofing layer and further protected with low-absorbing and mechanically undamageable thermal insulation of extruded polystyrene (XPS) – e.g. FIBRANxps 300-L.

Below grade wall assembly:
- soil
- drainage fabric or studded membrane
- FIBRANxps 300-L
- waterproofing
- exterior wall
- plastering